Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Self-publishing project

    For my self-publishing project, I wrote the poem about my trip under the Rocky mountains. I was impressed by the beautiful landscapes during the trip. So I wrote the poem to express my love to the envrionment and encourage people to having a wonderful trip along the Rocky Mountains.

    The pictures are all taken by me while we were travlling. The tall mountains, blue lakes, lush forests, glaciers all became the important features in my poem.

    First, I printed about 100 pieces of my poems. Then, I showed poems to some neighbors. I also put some poems under the doors of my neighborhood and on people's cars. I went to the UBC Campus to share my poems to. I stick my poems on the notice-board and on the door of some buildings. I posted my poem on the UBC bus station because i think a lot of people wait for the bus there so the chances be seen by people will increases. I also wanted to talk to some people on the way. But they seems to avoid me. I feeled embraced so i gave up this idea. After all i made a video and i put it on the YouTube for people to read my poem.

    Above all, I shared my poems to some people but not reach my expect. And I believe next time i can do it much better. I really enjoys this project and I learned a lot from it.

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